Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Short History of the Tractors in Ukrainian - Marina Lewycka

Okay, I admit it. I was lured by the title. and the reviews on the title.
The book? I knew rather than felt that I was in the presence of good writing. That this part might be funny and that one poignant.

But first the story- sisters Vera and Nadezhda  have to save their octegenarian dad or rather his wealth from the scheming Valentino who has a son and impressive.. er.. personality. And to do that, the sisters have to bury their feud and face the secrets from their  brutal past.

Back to the book-The characters were definitely well- etched and idiosyncratic but I just couldn't get into the book. I rarely use this word but frankly I was just bored. This in spite of the good writing, some good tune of phrases and interesting twists.
You know what- I think I am trying too hard and I am going to stop.

Last word- The book had a lot going for it, but didn't work for me. I am sorry but there you are.