Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Help- Kathryn Stockett

The Help

In her accompanying essay, Stockett,who grew up with her own black maid, writes she often wondered what it was to Black in America in the 60s. That the question this book attempts to answer.

Three women, an older Black maid, a younger belligerent one and a white idealist fresh college graduate get together to write the story of being Black Maids to white families in 60s Mississippi. They come to he story with their own reasons, sorrows , joys,  and courage. tremendous courage. Three voices, all strong and unique build this hear warming tale. You share their fear of discovery and celebrate their gentle victories. 

Kathryn Stockett tells a good story with her strong  writing. capturing beautifully the racial divide form both sides. And how personal kindness and love exists along macroscopic hatred and intolerance. 

It may not be the best novel to be written about this theme but its definitely a warm, well plotted page turner. In other words  a complete novel.. It's no wonder it made the New York T mes best seller list.